More than a century later the wheels of time have turned full circle and the phrase looks like it needs a bit of modification. Going by the events of the past decade especially in the world business the phrase 'Brown man's burden' seems rather appropriate. What with all the Indian companies going on an acquisition spree of oversees companies. Be it the high-profile and sometimes hostile Mittal acquisition of Arcelor or the Tata-Corus deal or more recent Tata bid for jaguar and land-rover, the Indian companies have come of age and are bursting out of the national boundary and into the international playground of business.
The recent surge in the number of Indian born CEOs is also a pointer in this direction. Some of the biggest foreign business houses - ranging from UK to the US - feel a need for an able and efficient leader. A requirement the Indian born business leaders are able to fulfill with great aplomb.
But this 'Browning' of International business is not without its pangs. The recent Tata bids for Jaguar and Orient hotels have also brought out age old prejudices to the fore. May be its sub-conscious in nature but there is a mild element of racism which stops some of the international business establishments from accepting an Indian connection. This is downright foolish and can hurt their long term growth and they need to understand that if an Indian company taking over makes sound business sense then so be it, they should not - and need not - hanker based on obsolete ancient prejudices. In the long run these same business houses will reap the benefits of having an Indian connection.
The advent of Globalization over the past 25 years has created a level playing field for all involved and hence provided erstwhile marginalized countries like India a chance to show their prowess. That is exactly what is happening and will continue to happen in the coming days and the world will be better off adjusting to the changed condition.