The death of pop icon Michael Jackson breaks a link America had with the rest of the world. A link that connected America and the rest of the world for four decades. No matter how unpopular America became people still acknowledged it as being the home of the greatest entertainer on earth. When MJ danced , people felt America was not such a bad place after all. He in a way took America to millions of homes around the world. He became a unit of measuring dance and entertainment.
When i heard the news it shocked me as it must have done for millions of his fans. I personally am not into Western pop music but the aura and talent of MJ broke all barriers and he was the only artist i admired and followed closely. I felt sad on his death but not too much, because a man who had lost himself was half dead anyway. So the feeling was more remorse than sadness. Like a fan said on radio that morning, it was the day Music lost its 'M'.
The death of the great is paradoxical in a way. They go away from us on a physical level but they remain immortal in our collective consciousness through their legacy. That is the reason great men are lucky as they live even after their deaths. Hence even though MJ has died he will live on because of the great legacy he has left behind. He will be a testament to the extent of talent humankind is capable of possessing.
MJ revolutionised pop music and gave a new definition to dancing. He was the ultimate entertainer who had a hold over his audience though his voice and dance steps. His dance moves - the 'moonwalk', the 'robot', the 'lean' - were trend setting and were and are being copied all over the world. Every bollywood star worth his salt has been influenced by his dancing in some way or the other.
He changed the business of the music industry by changing the way music videos were filmed. No more were they used for promotions alone but they became works of art. Anyone who witnessed his videos could sense a story in each of them, a plot with real characters who brought out the essence of the song. The jazzy, slick videos we see today are a legacy that MJ left behind. He was also a consummate performer who started the trend of world tours which thrilled his audiences the world over and which allowed him to emerge as the first truly global icon.
The life of MJ is a great mirror to the good and bad of American society. An admirable society that gives opportunity to its minority so that one among them will raise to the very top of pop culture not just in that country but the world over. A society where talent gets rewarded irrespective of which color it is. A society where an individual can dream of world fame. But it also highlights a society which is overtly seeped in materialism so much so that material pursuits overrule basic happiness. A society where family values are constantly under threat. A society which over-commercialises every aspect of existence making its people lose touch with reality. Yes his life mirrored American society, warts and all.
Even though in his later years MJ turned himself into a public joke, the world will remember him for the talent he possessed and the joy he provided to his fans the world over. The world will remember the magic that was Michael.
Good post maga... well said. true.
One thing that I liked about MJ was that he never cared for what the world thought of him. He just did whatever he felt was good for him and whatever he was passionate about and he didn't give a damn to the world. In this way, he gave an entirely different type of dance and music that no one had seen it. He continued his passion despite being in several controversies and never ever gave any importance to the media,
well articulated... although i dint agree with a couple of things in the first two paras...
but a good article worth a read...
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